
Tariff Consultant Clarification 1

Tariff Consultant Clarification 1

Question 1

I write to request clarification on the requirements for the proposal referenced. We would like to know if it is acceptable to propose additional team members for additional roles not specified in the TOR and, further, if those additional team members would be scored. For example, we may wish to propose the addition of a Financial Analyst to develop some of our analysis. We would like to know if that team member will be averaged with other team members, not scored at all or scored in some other manner.

Answer 1

The OUR is not opposed to the inclusion of other team members for additional roles not specified in the TOR. If such additional team members and roles are included, the Consultant should indicate how each of these additional team members will support one or more of the three (3) core roles specified in the RFP.

These additional team members and the roles they play in the project will be scored under the subcriteria ii(c) – Organization and Staffing set out in Paragraph 5.2 of the Instructions to Consultants Data Sheet


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