
Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) October-December 2020

Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) October-December 2020

The Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) for 2020 October-December Executive Summary

The 2020 October – December period saw the CAU receiving 1,518 contacts, which represents a 17% decrease over the preceding period. The data shows decreases in some categories of customer contact, compared to the preceding period, with the most significant relating to: Service Connection (-46%), Billing Matters (-32%), Terms and Conditions of Service (-30%) and Disconnection (-26%).

The following shows the distribution of contacts per service provider1:

  •  Jamaica Public Service Company Ltd. (JPS) – 507 (33%)
  • National Water Commission (NWC) – 277 (18%)
  • Cable & Wireless Jamaica Ltd. (Flow) – 241 (16%)
  • Columbus Communications (Flow) – 337 (22%)
  • Digicel – 80 ( 5%)
  • Private water and/or sewerage providers CanCara Development Ltd., Dairy Springs Ltd.,

DEML, Drax Hall Utilities Ltd., Runaway Bay Water Company Ltd., and St. Jago Hills Development Company Ltd.; small telecommunications providers, Dekal Wireless and XtriNet and Other (Not Utility Provider Related) – 76 (6%)