
Can-Cara Development Limited Water and Sewerage Rates Determination Notice

Can-Cara Development Limited Water and Sewerage Rates Determination Notice

Executive Summary

Can-Cara Development Limited (CDL) is a private company which operates under licences issued in 2004 and 2005 respectively for the provision of sewerage and water supply services in Western Spanish Town, St. Catherine, and licences issued in 2012, for the provision of water and sewerage services in Meadows of Irwin in Montego Bay, St. James.

CDL Tariff Proposal
On 2017 May 15, the company applied to the OUR for a non-objection to an increase in its rates and charges on the basis that the proposed rates were lower than those approved for the National Water Commission (NWC). In its submission CDL indicated that it had not received an increase in its rates since 2014 March. The company also pointed out that, based on its current tariff, it had been experiencing difficulties maintaining financial viability. The company posited that if the requested increases of approximately 27% in water rate and 15% in sewerage rate were granted, it would be able to cover increasing electricity costs, loan repayments and be placed in a position to finance planned capital improvements.