
Dynamic Environmental Management Limited – Water and Sewerage Rates for Morris Meadows – 2009 January

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Dynamic Environmental Management Limited – Water and Sewerage Rates for Morris Meadows – 2009 January


Associated Documents:

    Executive Summary

    1. Dynamic Environmental Management Limited (DEML) applied for a license to provide water and sewerage service to Morris Meadows, Portmore St. Catherine on 28th August 2006. Consequent on the Office’s recommendation the Minister issued 20 year licenses for each of the respective services on 21st November 2007.
    2. DEML submitted a rate application to the Office on the 29th January 2007.  However, the application was not processed; because the company was awaiting the issuance of their licenses to provide water and sewage services to Morris Meadows. The Office was also awaiting completed financial information from the company in order to begin the processing of the tariff
      application. DEML submitted all the relevant information to the Office on September 30, 2008.
    3. In its application the company proposed a two part tariff to recover its operating expenses and its capital investment. DEML proposed a service charge of $250, and a flat volumetric rate of $124.06 per 1000 liters. Sewage service is proposed to be billed at 100% of water consumption and at rates equivalent to the water rates. The company further proposed a connection fee of $3,000 and reconnection fee of $ 1000.
    4. As part of the rate application review, the Office’s policy is to hold public consultations to get the views of interested stakeholders and residents in Morris Meadows. A joint public hearing between the residents of Morris Meadows and Caribbean Estates was held on February 4, 2007 at Caribbean Estates. Due to the low turnout from the Morris Meadows residents the Office
      had decided to compile comments from the residents using pamphlets.
    5. The Office has reviewed DEML’s proposal, and has also taken into consideration the views raised at the public hearing in arriving at its decisions.