
Review and Revision of the Jamaican National Numbering Plan and Telecommunications Numbering Rules – Phase 1

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Review and Revision of the Jamaican National Numbering Plan and Telecommunications Numbering Rules – Phase 1


Telecommunications numbers are scarce and their supply is finite. They are a critical national resource to be effectively managed in the national interest. Individual countries must therefore, ensure that their national numbering plan provides adequate numbering capacities and remains adaptable to the pace of innovations in technology and service delivery, and the concomitant or resultant changes in customer needs.

The Telecommunications Act gave the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) a duty to develop and review a numbering plan and associated numbering rules, for Jamaica. The OUR is now carrying the first review of the Jamaican National Numbering Plan (the Numbering Plan) which was developed in 2003, This Consultation Document is therefore the first phase of a two-phase programme to review and revise the Numbering Plan and the Telecommunications Numbering Rules. Among other things, it sets out the context within which specified changes are needed at this time.

Section 1 of this Consultation Document highlights the importance of telecommunications numbering, and gives the background to current numbering arrangements in Jamaica. It also details the need for the review and revision of the Numbering Plan.

Section 2 summarises the Office Determinations made after the establishment of the Numbering Plan and consults on their incorporation, along with several newly proposed and future numbering considerations of the kind, into the Numbering Plan.

Section 3 explores new uses and future implications for numbers and consults on ways in which related technological developments could influence local numbering policy decisions.

Section 4 identifies changes that have taken place locally and internationally, and which affected the local dialling plan. It proposes amendments to the Jamaican Dialling Plan, accordingly.

Section 5 explains the reason for a limited consultation on the Telecommunications Rules at this time. It proposes the incorporation of two previously published Number Assignment Guidelines as annexures.


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