The Office of Utilities Regulation regulates the telecommunications sector in Jamaica through the Telecommunications Act. Under the provisions of the Act, the Office shall, among other things, regulate specified services and facilities, receive and process applications for licences and promote the interest of customers.
Assessment CWJ’s RIO Determination Notice – February 2002
Determination Notices, Telecommunications
READ MOREUniversal Service Obligations, Telecommunications, 2002 May
Consultation Documents, Consultations, Telecommunications
READ MOREAccess to Directory Database Information, Determination Notice, Telecoms sector, 2002 July
Decisions and Regulations, Determination Notices, Telecommunications
READ MOREDetermination Notice, Spare Capacity for Modern Equivalent Asset – MEA – Valuation of CWJ Switches, 2002 Aug 7b
Decisions and Regulations, Determination Notices, Telecommunications
READ MORELiberalizing Telecoms Directory Information Markets, Products and Services, Consultation Document 2, 2002 February
Consultation Documents, Consultations, Telecommunications
READ MORECable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd. (CWJ) Comments on the Response, Liberalizing Telecommunications Directory Information Market, Products and Services, Consultation Document, 2002 April 26
Consultations, Responses, Telecommunications