The Office of Utilities Regulation regulates the telecommunications sector in Jamaica through the Telecommunications Act. Under the provisions of the Act, the Office shall, among other things, regulate specified services and facilities, receive and process applications for licences and promote the interest of customers.
CWJ’s Response to OUR’s Consultative Document no 3 on Indirect Access
Consultations, Responses, Telecommunications
READ MOREReliant Enterprise Communications Ltd’s Response to RIO 6 submission
Consultations, Responses, RIO/RAO, Telecommunications
READ MOREReconsideration of OUR’s Decision: Determination Notice: Assessment of RIO 6
Decisions and Regulations, Determination Notices, RIO/RAO, Telecommunications
READ MORECWJ (Lime) response to OUR’s Consultation re Application for Reconsideration of Determination Notice on RIO 6
Consultations, Responses, RIO/RAO, Telecommunications
READ MOREFlow’s Response to OUR’s Assessment of RIO 6 Determination Notice
Consultations, Responses, RIO/RAO, Telecommunications
READ MOREDigicel’s Response to OUR’s Assessment of RIO 6 Determination Notice
Consultations, Responses, RIO/RAO, Telecommunications