
Comprehensive Review of the Guaranteed Standards Scheme for the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited and the National Water Commission

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Comprehensive Review of the Guaranteed Standards Scheme for the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited and the National Water Commission

Excerpt from Abstract (on page 2)

“…Over the years, the OUR has included reviews of the QOS standards in its tariff setting process. However, given the complexity of the tariff setting process and the time constraints circumscribed by the relevant licence and regulatory processes, the OUR has recognized that adequate time for a comprehensive consultation on the QOS standards, particularly, the GS Scheme, could not be achieved in the time allotted.

Consequently, in an effort to enhance its ability to undertake an in-depth assessment of and garner the public’s views on the impact of the GS Scheme and its continued relevance, the OUR has decided to conduct a public consultation to focus on assessing the GS Schemes for the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) and the National Water Commission (NWC). Following the consultations, the OUR will make decisions regarding any changes that may be necessary to ensure that the GS Schemes achieve their objectives.” Pg 2


GS‘ = Guaranteed Standard(s)

QOS‘ = Quality of Service


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