
DRAFT New Electricity Code Book – 2016 July 13

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DRAFT New Electricity Code Book – 2016 July 13

O.U.R. DISCLAIMER on DRAFT of New Electricity Code Book – 2016 July 13:

This is a set of draft documents and is a work in progress. These documents are in the process of preparation and editing and as such, Table of Contents, page numbering, appendices and glossary will be added or modified as appropriate, based on stakeholders’ review comments.

The draft documents are for review only by the OUR and Stakeholders. They should not be relied upon by any other party or parties  or used for any other purpose.

The Office of Utilities Regulation (O.U.R.) accepts no responsibility for the consequences of these documents being relied upon by any other party, or used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties.

The data, conclusions and recommendations will remain draft until the documents have gone through the review process and are approved by the legally authorized entities.


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