
NWC Rate Review 2003

NWC Rate Review 2003


National Water Commission (NWC) engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) (primarily representatives from their Australian and Jamaican offices) to conduct a review of its tariff towards the end of calendar year 2002. PWC was selected through an international competitive tendering process based on Terms of Reference which were agreed to by key stakeholders of NWC, including the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR).

During the review, PWC held consultations with various stakeholders, again including the OUR. During these consultations there was general agreement on the proposed methodology to be used in the study.

The report on the tariff review was submitted in July 2003 and a copy has been submitted to the OUR. The report forms the basis of this proposal for adjustments to be made to the existing tariff structure and levels.


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