The Office of Utilities Regulation regulates the electricity sector in Jamaica, which includes the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) and other Independent Power Producers (IPPs).
JPS and IPPs are regulated by the OUR through the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2015 and the Electricity Licence, 2016. New legislation, the Electricity Act, 2015, was introduced effective 2015 August 27.
This law repeals the Electric Lighting Act, the Electricity (Frequency Conversion) Act and Electricity Development Act, which previously governed the electricity sector. It also consolidates and modernizes the laws relating to the generation, transmission, distribution, supply, dispatch and use of electricity, and for connected matters.
The Electricity Licence, 2016 was issued effective 2016 January 27 and replaced the Amended and Restated All-Island Electric Licence, 2011.

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, Hurricane Gustav Compensation, Determination Notice, 2011 Feb 9,
Decisions and Regulations, Determination Notices, Electricity
Directive, JPS, implementation of a revised back billing policy, 2011 Nov 24,
Decisions and Regulations, Directives, Electricity
Investigation Of The Jamaica Public Service Company LTD (JPS) Billing And Metering System For Electricity Consumption, 2011 October,
Decisions and Regulations, Electricity, Reports and Findings
Energy Payment Rate Review, Addendum to Determination Notice, Wigton Wind Farm, 2011 Dec 1
Decisions and Regulations, Determination Notices, Electricity
Electricity improvement fund, rules of procedure for operation and administration, 2011 March
Decisions and Regulations, Determination Notices, Electricity