The Consumer Advisory Committee on Utilities (CACU) thanks the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) for the opportunity to participate in the consultative process on the Update of the Cost Model for Fixed Termination Rates – Draft Model. In that regard, Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Cable & Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd. (“C&WJ”)welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Office of Utilities Regulation’s (“OUR”) Consultation Document, Update of Cost Model for Fixed Termination Rates—Draft Model, dated 9 December 2020. We note that, while we have responded Continue Reading
Abstract The Telecommunications Act (“the Act”), specifically Section 29A, empowers the Office to impose on operators the obligation to share infrastructure (tangibles and intangibles) and to determine the terms and conditions of a sharing arrangement. In keeping with the mandate Continue Reading
Abstract The Telecommunications Act (the “Act”), requires that all dominant public telecommunications carriers permit interconnection of their public network with the public network of other carriers for the purpose of the provision of telecommunications services, and that the charges at Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Cable and Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd. (“C&WJ”) welcomes the opportunity to respond to comments made on the Office of Utilities Regulation’s (“OUR”) approach to estimating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (“WACC”) for fixed line and mobile telecommunications licensees operating Continue Reading
OFFICIAL STATEMENT We thank the Office of Utilities Regulation for providing this opportunity for Digicel to comment on the other respondents’ submission to the Office’s consultation on the review of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital. Digicel is, of course, Continue Reading
The Consumer Advisory Committee on Utilities (CACU) is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the regulatory consultation process regarding the Estimate of the WACC for Telecommunications Carriers. Having discussed and considered the proposed approach to updating the parameters for Continue Reading