
Update of the Fixed Cost Model and Assessment of Fixed Infrastructure Sharing Costs – Principles and Methodology

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Update of the Fixed Cost Model and Assessment of Fixed Infrastructure Sharing Costs – Principles and Methodology

This Consultation Document has been prepared to facilitate discussion and consultation on the approach that the Office of Utilities Regulation (“OUR”/”Office”) will take in relation to two separate modelling exercises:

  • The update of the existing cost model to calculate the cost of wholesale fixed interconnection services, in accordance with the requirements of the Telecommunications Act (the “Act”).
  • The development of a cost model to assess the costs of fixed infrastructure sharing services, following the principles outlined in the Act and the OUR’s draft Infrastructure Sharing Rules.

After receiving and analysing responses to this Consultation Document, the OUR plans to undertake the appropriate modelling to determine interconnection rates for the period 2021 to 2025 and to obtain reference costs for the provision of fixed infrastructure sharing services. In a parallel process, data requests have been sent to telecommunications operators (the “operators”). The data requested therein will be necessary, regardless of the approach that is finally taken, in the update of the fixed cost model, as well as the development of the cost model to assess the costs of fixed infrastructure sharing services.


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