BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The Office of Utilities Regulation (the OUR) recognises essential distinctions, in both policy and practice, between localized day-to-day incidents requiring immediate and speedy assistance in relation to public safety concerns of fire prevention/mitigation, law enforcement, air-sea rescue Continue Reading
On 2016 January 27, the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) was issued a new licence, the Electricity Licence, 2016 (the Licence). The Licence has introduced a number of changes in the regulatory framework governing the electricity sector. The two Continue Reading
Rules and Procedure Operation and Administration of the Electricity Sector System Benefit Fund (SBF)
This Notice for Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) is a consultative document which sets out, and invites comments, on the proposed rules and procedures which should govern the operation and administration of the Electricity Sector System Benefit Fund (“SBF”) established pursuant Continue Reading
Since 2013, Payment Compliance Initiatives (which offer an incentive for early bill payment and an equivalent penalty for late payment) have been introduced by both the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) and the National Water Commission (NWC). In their Continue Reading
Abstract Since 2013, Payment Compliance Initiatives (which offer an incentive for early bill payment and an equivalent penalty for late payment) have been introduced by both the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) and the National Water Commission (NWC). In Continue Reading