Responses to the Consultation Document: Supplementary Consultation for the Cost Model for the Assessment of Fixed Infrastructure Sharing Rates.
Responses to the Consultation Document: Supplementary Consultation for the Cost Model for the Assessment of Fixed Infrastructure Sharing Rates.
Responses to the Consultation Document: Supplementary Consultation for the Cost Model for the Assessment of Fixed Infrastructure Sharing Rates.
INTRODUCTION This response is submitted on behalf of Cable & Wireless Jamaica Limited and Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited (jointly hereinafter referred to as “Flow”). Flow welcomes the opportunity to respond to comments to the Office of Utilities Regulation’s (“OUR”) Consultation Continue Reading
General Digicel notes Flow’s continued characterisation of the Office’s development of this model as an ex ante exercise in the regulation of infrastructure pricing. While it is clearly an ex ante exercise in identifying costing methodologies and developing a tool Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION This response is submitted on behalf of Cable & Wireless Jamaica Limited and Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited (jointly hereinafter referred to as “Flow”). Flow welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Consultation Document of the Office of Utilities Regulation Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Cable & Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd. (“C&WJ”) welcomes the opportunity to respond to comments to the Office of Utilities Regulation’s (“OUR”) Consultation Document, Update of Cost Model for Fixed Termination Rates—Draft Model, dated 9 December 2020. We understand that, besides Continue Reading