(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2021 October 27): Managing Director of the Jamaica Stock Exchange, Mrs. Marlene Street Forrest will be the guest speaker at the Office of Utilities Regulation’s (OUR ) 5th Annual Symposium on Customer Service and Complaints Handling to be held on 2021 November 3. The event will take the form of a mini conference, Continue Reading
(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2021 October 26): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has restated that the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) did not provide it with notice or information prior to the implementation of its ‘Transformer Protection Programme’ pilot project, which drew wide-scale complaints of frequent and prolonged power outages in the affected communities. OUR Continue Reading
(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2021 October 15): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has directed the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) to immediately cease and desist the operation of its ‘Transformer Protection Programme’ pilot project, from which wide scale complaints of frequent and prolonged curtailment of electricity services have arisen in the affected communities for prolonged Continue Reading
(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2021 October 6): National Water Commission (NWC) customers are not receiving millions of dollars in compensation because they are not submitting their claims to the NWC for breaches of the Guaranteed Standards. An assessment of the unclaimed sum for NWC Guaranteed Standards breaches for 2018 January to 2021 June, shows that total potential Continue Reading
(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2021 September 27): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has received complaints of frequent power outages from several communities across the island, with claims of many occurring daily and lasting for prolonged periods. In addition to customer complaints in Clarendon, Kingston and St. Andrew, St. Catherine and Trelawny, the OUR has also received Continue Reading
Media Release OUR to Host 5G Technology Regional Media Workshop (KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2021 September 23): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) will host a Regional Media Workshop on 2021 September 30 on the topic, ‘5G Technology: is the Region Ready?’ The virtual event is to provide a platform for journalists across the Caribbean to get Continue Reading
OUR Makes Decision on JPS’s 2021 Annual Rate Application (KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2021 September 14): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has made its decision on the 2021 Annual Review Application submitted by the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) on 2021 May 5. The OUR’s decision took effect 2021 September 1 and will be reflected Continue Reading