Abstract The Telecommunications Act (“the Act”), specifically Section 29A, empowers the Office to impose on operators the obligation to share infrastructure (tangibles and intangibles) and to determine the terms and conditions of a sharing arrangement. In keeping with the mandate Continue Reading
Abstract The Telecommunications Act (the “Act”), requires that all dominant public telecommunications carriers permit interconnection of their public network with the public network of other carriers for the purpose of the provision of telecommunications services, and that the charges at Continue Reading
This Consultation Document has been prepared to facilitate discussion and consultation on the approach that the Office of Utilities Regulation (“OUR”/”Office”) will take in relation to two separate modelling exercises: The update of the existing cost model to calculate the Continue Reading
Abstract The existing Determination on the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) to be used in the telecommunications sector was issued in 2016 and is due to be updated. This Consultation Document contains the Office of Utilities Regulation’s (OUR’s) approach Continue Reading
Abstract This Consultation Document has been prepared to facilitate discussion and consultation on the approach that the Office of Utilities Regulation (“OUR”/”Office”) will take in relation to two separate modelling exercises: The update of the existing cost model to calculate Continue Reading
This Consultation Document sets out and invites comments on the various methodologies available to the Office of Utilities Regulation (“OUR”) for consideration in the setting of prices in the soon-to-be implemented Electricity Wheeling Framework in keeping with the provisions of Continue Reading
Review and Revision of the Jamaican National Numbering Plan and Telecommunications Numbering Rules – Phase 1
EXTRACT Telecommunications numbers are scarce and their supply is finite. They are a critical national resource to be effectively managed in the national interest. Individual countries must therefore, ensure that their national numbering plan provides adequate numbering capacities and remains Continue Reading
Abstract Informed consumers play a crucial role in the functioning of markets. For this role to be realized they must have access to the right information to make informed choices about products and services. Consumers are, however, oftentimes constrained in Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Customer Contact Centres (Call Centres) play an integral part in the service delivered by utility companies as they are the main channels through which customers interact with these companies. It is therefore important for utility companies to assess their Continue Reading