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Media Release: OUR advises on post-Beryl telecoms charges

(Kingston, Jamaica: 2024 August 29) Following customer complaints about the continued receipts of bills without service, the two major telecommunication providers, Digicel and Flow have confirmed with the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) ‘no usage charge’ for the period of interruption since Beryl, for customers whose service is unrestored. However, all customers who have had Continue Reading

Media Release: OUR to conduct in-depth post-Beryl assessment of the electricity sector’s resilience – 2024 August 22

(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2024 August 22): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) is committed to spearheading an in-depth post-Beryl evaluation of the resilience of the electricity sector. This will span preparation for the hurricane, its impact, and restoration activities. The assessment will seek to identify culpability (if, or where it exists), gaps, areas for improvement, policy Continue Reading

Media Release: OUR directs JPS to reduce and re-issue some customer bills – 2024 Aug 23

(KINGSTON, JAMAICA, 2024 August 23) The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has instructed the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) to reduce some customers’ bills in the next billing period and re-issue those bills issued in August with zero consumption that do not show a corresponding zero money value. The scale and extensiveness of the JPS Continue Reading

Media Release: OUR Investigating increase in electricity bills

Kingston, Jamaica, Monday, 2024 August 19.) The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR)  has – just over this past weekend – become increasingly aware of several utility customer complaints regarding increasing electricity bills, following the passage of Hurricane Beryl. The OUR has initiated steps to investigate these complaints. Once the relevant information has been received from Continue Reading

Media Release -OUR to Meet with JPS as Restoration Deadline Ends

(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2024 August 12): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) will meet with the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) tomorrow following the 2024 August 12 expiration of the deadline to provide full restoration of electricity supply to its customers ‘subject to the inaccessibility issues faced in the areas specified as Exceptions’. According to Continue Reading

Media Release – OUR Monitors JPS Restoration Schedule

(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2024 August 7): Power supply to over sixteen thousand customers across the island has yet to be restored by the Jamaica Public Service Company Ltd. (JPS) according to its most recent restoration schedule of 2024 August 6. Mindful of the increasing hardship being faced by customers and consumers who are without electricity services, Continue Reading

Media Release – OUR Issues Power Restoration Directive to JPS

(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2024 August 2): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has issued a Directive to the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) to enforce strict compliance with the company’s latest schedule for returning electricity supply to customers affected by Hurricane Beryl. Given that the company has missed previously established timelines, the OUR’s Directive, which Continue Reading

Media release – Some Electricity Customers to receive a 40% Reprieve on Estimated Bills

(KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2024 July 30): Some electricity customers receiving estimated bills from the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) will get a 40% reprieve after the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) approved a mechanism for calculating these bills following Hurricane Beryl. The decision follows a 2024 July 22 meeting between the OUR and JPS after Continue Reading

Media Release: NWC Records Highest Number of Complaints for 2024 – 1st Quarter

NWC Records Most Complaints for Q1 2024  (KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2-24 July 17): The National Water Commission (NWC) was the utility that recorded the most complaints received by the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) from customers during the 2024 January–March quarter. OUR’s Quarterly Performance Report for 2024 January – March indicates that its Consumer Affairs Unit Continue Reading

MEDIA RELEASE: OUR Approves New Rates for Can-Cara Development Ltd

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OUR Approves New Rates for Can-Cara Development Ltd (KINGSTON, Jamaica; 2024 May 10): The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has approved new water and sewerage rates to be charged by Can-Cara Development Limited (CDL) to its customers. CDL is a privately owned limited liability company which provides water and sewerage services in Continue Reading